“Can Social network sites enable political action” by Danah
Boyd and “Digital Natives as self-actualizing citizens” by W. Lance Bennett,
are two interesting articles that discuss the idea of whether social network
sites could be used for political action and speaking truth to power.
article suggests that using SNSes for political action are nothing but mere
“daydreams,” particularly when it comes to young people, who are more concerned
about engaging with their friends and updating their statuses than they are with
participating in a political cause. Boyd also suggested that it is “this lack
of motivation that we need to understand and address to improve our democracy
and government.” While Boyd sees this as an issue, Bennett sees it as “changing
patterns of engagement and opportunities that will reshape the notion of
citizenship in this new century. According to Bennett, the reason young people
aren’t using SNSes as platforms for political action is because of the contrast
between old century “Dutiful Citizens” (DC) and the new century “self-Actualizing
Citizens” (AC). DCs (adults) “are unaware or unappreciative of the civic
identity shift that has occurred among many young people.” Bennett suggests that when adult-run
institutions do attempt to build media projects, it seems that they “impose
limits on what young people can and ‘should’ do,” thus these projects often
articles suggest that we need to understand young people’s lack of motivation
behind using SNSes for political action. Both discuss that the solution lies in
finding a way of reaching all young people, or what Boyd calls the “unmotivated
groups;” not just those who are already politically involved. According to
Bennett, the DCs need to adopt and correctly utilize online environments as a
way of reaching young people and successfully motivating them to get involved
in all aspects of our democracy. Boyd makes a strong point that “the
infrastructure is available for people to spread information, but the
motivation is not there to either share or receive it. That’s the problem we
need to solve, and we’ll know we’re successful from the messages that will be
written on Facebook and MySpace.”